Eric Tagliacozzo

Cornell University

Eric Tagliacozzo is a professor of history at Cornell University, where he also directs the Comparative Muslim Societies Program and the Cornell Modern Indonesia Project. He is the author of books on the history of smuggling in colonial Southeast Asia (Yale, 2005) and on the Southeast Asian Hajj (Oxford, 2013). He is also the editor or co-editor of 10 other books.

Articles by Eric Tagliacozzo


Technology and Maritime Imperialism in Southeast Asia

Thursday, August 2, 2018

In light of the fierce technology-fueled geopolitical battles being waged on the world stage today, it is time to examine how technology facilitated imperialism at the turn of the 20th century. Specifically, in Southeast Asia, the Dutch and the British used telegraphs, lighthouses, and more as instruments of empire.