Filip Novokmet and Li Yang

Paris School of Economics

Filip Novokmet is a postdoctoral researcher at the Paris School of Economics and a research fellow at the World Wealth and Income Database (WID). His research is focused on income and wealth inequality, economic history, and the political economy of economic transformation in Eastern Europe.Li Yang is a postdoctoral researcher at the Paris School of Economics and a research fellow at the World Wealth and Income Database (WID). His research focuses on China’s wealth and income inequality, economic development, and economic history.

Articles by Filip Novokmet and Li Yang


Why Inequality Divergence Between China and Russia?

Thursday, February 1, 2018

China and Russia followed two distinct approaches to reform, leading to drastically different trajectories of economic growth. While both countries have experienced rising inequality over the last 30 years, Russia’s income distribution has worsened at a faster pace and in a bigger magnitude. What caused the difference in income distribution dynamics between the two? There are important lessons to be learned on the impact of policy decisions on inequality.