Wang Xin

Wang Xin

Charigo Center for International Economic Cooperation

Wang Xin is the president for the privately owned Charigo Consulting Company in Beijing and president of the Center for International Economic Cooperation (CIEC) founded by Charigo, former government officials, scholars and business leaders. Wang was previously a vice president of the Center for China and Globalization in Beijing, president of the Sinomedia International Group in San Francisco, and president of the Training Center of the China International Publishing Group. Charigo is a consulting firm that helps international businesses to explore the China market and to understand better China's policymaking and government. It also assists Chinese companies in investing overseas.

Articles by Wang Xin


Where China-US Relations are Heading

Thursday, January 13, 2022

The virtual summit between Xi Jinping and Joe Biden last November has signaled the possibility of better communication and more effective diplomacy between both countries


No Second-Rate Trade Deal: What RCEP Means for the Global Economy

Thursday, June 30, 2022

RCEP is a thoroughly modern trade accord that will boost trade in services and drive growth in trade and investment in “new” areas.