Who will take the lead in ensuring cyber security, privacy and other critical safety factors?
Without a mutual understanding of what “cyber warfare” entails, efforts to prevent cyber attacks from escalating into traditional war will prove futile.
For the ASEAN community as a whole to benefit from technology, economics should not be the sole determining driver.
AI can also be used for nefarious data collection and manipulation, and it is vital that countries in the region collaborate to govern its use
The real challenge lies not in the clash between the two major powers but inside the US, which must tackle widening social inequality.
At stake are who sets the rules for the communications, data and artificial intelligence-driven networks of the future.
A more calibrated containment strategy can and should be developed using insights gleaned from big data.
As Covid-19 grips the world, the Filipino workforce looks increasingly vulnerable, despite strong growth in recent years.
Countries around the word must rethink the online learning model, argues Shai Reshef, Founder and President of University of the People.
Educational and employment exclusions due to the digital divide have been exacerbated by the lockdowns caused by this unprecedented public-health crisis.
Any accelerated decoupling of the US and Chinese economies will have serious implications for their trading, technology and financial partners.
The big obstacle to full diffusion of technology in health is that best practices and acceptable rules of engagement, ethics and liability have yet to be determined.
While governments have long seen cybersecurity as a national concern, the need to include non-state actors in relevant policymaking is slowly being recognized.
Vasuki Shastry, Associate Asia Fellow of Chatham House in London, offers lessons from the past year and considers what they may portend at the beginning of a new decade.
The US-China trade dispute is much more than a battle over a US$420 billion deficit, what the tensions are really about is a race for “geo-technological” superiority.
Since the Paris Agreement was signed, the world continues to experience extremes of climate change as signatories to the accord struggle to meet their climate goals.
What happens when the Fourth Industrial Revolution collides with the need and desire to improve the state of the world?
With technology advancing rapidly, new applications are disrupting many sectors by solving problems that were impossible or too time-consuming to handle before.
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